Sunday, September 25, 2011


Fishing Reels is crucial since it is one of the aspects that will determine our victory catching the fish.
It is an aspects whether you will get your catch without any casualties especially when it comes to the salt-water fishing. Before you decide to buy which one is the good one or the best for your used, please ask other people opinions so you have sufficient information and possible suggestions on which one will suit you bests. And also the fishing reels must be fit with your wallet. Be rational and don't waste your money for unnecessary reels.

The criteria that you must consider into buying a fishing reel is place, type, bearings and designs. Where are the places that you want to go for fishing?? For the freshwater purpose, you don't need the 'heavy duty' reels to be your aid. The 2500 to 4000 series of fishing reel is sufficient to land such a big fish up to 20 kilograms depending on your line weight. As for the salt-water fishing, you may need an extra big fishing reels. You may use the usual spinning reels or the multiplier reels up to your comforts. Since not all people are able to use the multiplier, but hey dude, learning is a good thing and will not led you to death right? So, learn how to use the multiplier and master it if you want to fight the big game fish at the open sea. As for the spinning reel users, you can use the 4000 up to 10000 series but it is recommended that you use the 6000 series above. Hey, don't misjudge the sea!!! 

SHIMANO brand is the main fishing reels that I trusted, my partner since 5 years ago. I'm practically profound by the reels, simple designs with a tough built-in components offers me assurance in managing the pace of the fish in the water. For now, I only have a few of reels and most of it's is for the beginner set haha..

Besides that, I believe in the BANAX and ABU GARCIA reels since it is proven to be good, durable and very reliable to me.

Well...let's see what I have here...

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